The best way to on-board new software Whats the best way to on-board new software for your business?
Are you a business owner looking to implement new software to help manage your business, make you more efficient and more importantly make you more profitable?
If so then you are probably worried about how you are going to get your business on board….
- How are you going to get all your data on?
- How are you going to train all your staff?
- How much productivity are you going to lose through the process?
- How long will it take?
- etc etc etc
Now you have sleepless nights, worry and stress builds up and then you decide that it cant be done and its not worth the hassle! and so you carry on as before convincing yourself that, its for the best! things are not so bad as they are!
What if we could tell you that it can be done! without any hassle at all, without any stress, without any sleepless nights…
Would you be interested then?
We have helped hundreds of business transform with our software and over that time we have come up with a very simple on-boarding system that works. We have even changed the way our system works to make sure our customers experience is amazing. When i tell you how easy it is you will kick yourself.
ts really very simple, just pick a day and start using the new software, put in all new enquiries and then estimate them using the software, put your meetings in and schedule any new work in from that date. yes you will have to check against your old diary for dates, but you would need to do that anyway. Over a period of time you will gradually phase out of your old systems and ease on to the new one.
Now most of our competition will offer you a 14 or 28 day free trial but this does not help when on-boarding which could take weeks or even months in some cases, which is why we have opted for a very different way of doing things. We are the only construction software available in the world today offering a FREE Forever version, this allows you time to move over gradually without any cost implications and then upgrade to our premium version when you are ready.
Why not sign up for a free account now and see how TradeSoft can change your life.

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